Dancing with My Star

One day last week we were holding hands, walking in the middle of a hamburger café in Ithaca NY, when Cathy announced “I’m stuck! My brain says ‘go’ but my feet won’t move.” I encouraged her to mimic me and do a monster step she learned in physical therapy and shimmy, and so she did. Immediately we were doing a one-step-line-dance to some terrible music with good rhythm. We laughed and hugged and then finished our bathroom-back-to-table adventure. More and more we encounter these precious moments.

Last week we also returned to Duke Cancer Center for another stable MRI check-up. Wonderful! However, the glio-invasion continues, silent and stealth, capturing small bites of her short-term memory, problem-solving abilities and physical skills. Shame on you Glio, you sneaky b-word!!! We are learning firsthand about palliative care and are giving way to home care support. We have relocated our sleeping quarters downstairs as our stairway has aligned with the enemy. God, thank you for this prep time with my Soulmate, my Sweetface, my Doodles, my Cathy, Your Cathy.

Last night, we bucket-list traveled to Hershey PA, to attend our first-ever political rally. We listen to J D Vance and had a great time. It was fun, educational and enjoyable being part of the 10,000+ energetic attendees. We like Vance. All these new experiences make us feel like dancing!!!

Part of the crowd at our first political rally.